A woman working out in the gym

Fitness Trends That Celebrities Are Obsessed: Best Workout Tips

Your fitness journey may not look like the most fun thing, but you need to get started at some point. A body cannot remain stagnant and immobile. It needs energy to move, and the best way to do that is to exercise. Being breathless may be exhausting, but it’s beneficial. Getting the pretty leggings and the attractive VSCO bottle could be on the list but picking a fitness class that best suits you is highly important.

You’ll have to stay up with the trends and come up with new methods to work up a sweat. Whether it’s taking dance classes or doing a flexibility workout, you’ll need something upbeat to get your blood flowing. People like finding creative ways to remain fit and healthy. They like diversity in their workout routine—just like celebrities.

Celebrities are frequently at the forefront of fitness crazes. How can people forget the iconic Jane Fonda, who almost single-handedly brought aerobics under the spotlight? Celebrities have the power of cameras and, at times, Photoshop on their side to make them look picture perfect. From Jessica Alba to Zac Efron, many celebrities genuinely put in the work to attain their bodies. Others are keen on experimenting with some pretty weird, aggressive, and downright intense trends to get their ideal body.

A woman doing yoga with a goat on her back

Now, this post isn’t saying that let’s be crazy and crash diet to lose 16 pounds in 2 weeks like Kim Kardashian but try out some actual healthy trends that plenty of celebrities do. Like a friendly creature as your yoga partner? Well, Goat Yoga classes are just for you. From crazy Peloton classes to intense NAVY seal workouts, celebrities have done it all.

Don’t go chasing these trends without firstly consulting with a physician. You wouldn’t want to embark on a fitness endeavor and not have the strength to continue after a few weeks. Choose some celebrity fitness trends to make the rest of your year happy, healthy, and fit!

Kinrgy by Julianne Hough

Certain celebrities popularize fitness trends by extensively following them, while others pave their way by establishing new ones for others to follow. Julianne Hough, a professional dancer, just launched Kinrgy.

According to her, it’s a dance workout that helps you come to terms with your inner emotions in a healthy manner. You’ll get to unleash your trapped emotions in a way that you won’t be judged and feel simultaneously liberated. It involves meditation and breathing exercises as part of the routine.Dance training may have made her body flexible, but she promotes motility and internal energy healing.

LEK Fit By Busy Phillips

This is a type of fitness that is regarded as low-impact but involves intense cardio with the help of a—you may never guess this—trampoline. She has been doing this workout for several years. This became increasingly known during the first year of the pandemic when Phillips’s workouts had gone digital.

It helps the body by providing sculpting techniques aimed at strengthening and toning the muscles. The workouts are safe, accessible to all, and promote body positivity. They are musically motivated, entertaining, tough, and successful in making you a healthier version of yourself.

Runners stretching before running

Reverse Running

You may be looking at the screen and wondering if you read this right. It may sound like an absurd idea, but it’s growing in popularity among individuals. Especially those looking to boost their recovery after an accident that has affected their lower back, knee joint, or hamstrings.

Just in the previous year, this oxymoron sounding workout had doubled in internet searches. This is probably because this workout can help you balance muscles and reduce pressure on your knee. The way it achieves such a feat is by eliminating muscle imbalances. What does this workout have in store for you? Let’s find out.

It expands the hip joint’s range of motion. As a result, you get a better posture and better control of your quadriceps and calves. In terms of results, reverse running is considered as beneficial as speed bursts since it provides a higher cardiovascular requirement, which increases stamina and lung capacity.

At the start, running a lap backwards may feel like running ten straight laps on a normal track. It can get exhausting and tiring, but it’s worth it. You’re going to have to develop body awareness before getting into this trend. Having great proprioception might be a great start. It can feel weird initially, but it opens up a whole new area of your body that needs working out. Just keep an eye on your surroundings as you start practicing.

A disabled man doing a workout

Inclusive Fitness

It should be unsurprising that the workout sector wasn’t always welcoming or had the finest record for diversity. Unachievable ideals of beauty in training have long deterred many people from entering a gym or taking up a barbell, whether it’s through marketing imagery of slender body shapes or internet diet regimens that inspire you to construct an unachievable ‘perfect you.’

That’s not even half of it. Disabled people are twice as likely as non-disabled individuals to believe that COVID-19 has a significant impact on their capacity to participate in sports (13%) or physical exercise (27%).

This pandemic has taken a lot from every individual and has left them with significant lessons. One of which is that it doesn’t discriminate. Healthy, poor, rich, or unfit; it will affect anybody and everybody it pleases. But, this shouldn’t stop people from pursuing their goals and fitness goals at that. Keep pushing the barrier to become the strongest and healthiest version of yourself in the best way possible. Regardless of form and size, you should do everything in your power to live a fit life. You owe that to yourself.

Numerous brands are promoting the significance of universal fitness in the present year. The brutal truth is that disabled persons are twice as prone as the general public to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Even if they try to keep themselves fit, they have nowhere to turn to for their fitness goals to be taken seriously. Brands and the general population alike should stand up for differently-abled people and demand diversity in the fitness sector.

A man doing indoor rowing

Indoor Rowing

Although boat races and frigid early morning beginnings are associated with rowing, that’s not what’s being discussed here. Rowing indoors entails much more than that. With the fluidity of water, conventional rowing serves some ease of motion.

Indoor rowing has grown in popularity in recent years as fitness enthusiasts seek to incorporate low-impact interval capacity building in small periods. Between July of last year and this year, the internet searches for this have blown up to 990%. So did the searches for the machines that are made for indoor rowing.

Several brands sell these powerful machines. Some are carved from oak to give a proper look of the rowboat, accompanied by a water tank to give you the ultimate experience. Other brands sell a fully automated machine that has HD screens and tons of workouts already installed that work out your legs and your entire body. Take that, treadmill!

With the help of these workouts, you can utilize and put 86% of your body to use. Since it works out the core, the upper and lower part of the body, all the muscle groups in your body get simultaneously worked out. This results in more burning of calories and allows you to gain strength.

They’ve gotten so popular that people use them to stretch and restore their entire bodies. People have started finding their rowing buddies who want to row alongside them. Things have shifted from “Can you do Pilates with me?” to “When are we going to our next rowing class?”. It’s also low-impact. This means that, unlike high-impact exercises that demand high energy like running, this is relatively easier on the joints. It helps with developing bone density and strengthens your bones simultaneously.

Eye Yoga

Guess yoga classes have changed substantially since you last went. The mass adoption of eye yoga has been a trend going on for a while. It was popularized by the one and only Sir Paul McCartney, who said it’s a combination of eye movements with a nice facial massage. It aims to enhance eyes and vision, particularly for individuals who spend their days staring at computers. Mr. McCartney praises this newfound way to exercise and claims it has helped him maintain his eyesight enough to avoid spectacles.

Treadmill, But Take It Up A Notch

The general population looks at treadmills and sees that as a task in itself. But singers like Lizzo and Miley Cyrus take it upon themselves to remind the common folk that they are indeed stars. Their vocal performance has been severely influenced by the fact that they sing while running and sprinting on the treadmill.No wonder these wonderful ladies have sold out stadiums. Their pipes have been trained to impact everyone listening.

By increasing lung capacity, having deep control of their breathing, and having immense stamina training, these stars, which include Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland, and Michelle Williams (yes, the OG Destiny’s Child), have used this method to outperform other stars. Running, cycling, and swimming have their own benefits, but none like those singing on the treadmill will provide. This is a wonderful way to guarantee that the singers won’t miss a note while running or strutting across a platform.

Hula Hooping

Remember those days on the playground trying to figure out how to hula hoop because all the cool kids were doing it. Let’s bring the essence of Jane Fonda and Mr. Motivator alive by bringing back this trend. This has undergone a major transformation in recent years, with several brands promoting methods that will help you regain control over your hip movements.

With about 198.8 million TikTok views, the weighted hula hoop is back in business. It has become more of a popular activity of sorts. Its benefits are abundant as it helps increase aerobic fitness and strengthens your core. Along with burning 400 calories on an hourly basis, it is known to reduce stress levels and provides people with a healthy way to deal with stress and emotions.

It doesn’t put a lot of stress and pressure on the body because it’s low-impact. It’s a fun activity that people of all ages can opt for and perform. Have a granddaughter you want to spend time with? Guess you have found your next best thing. It’s a terrific type of aerobics because you have to develop a tempo in your hips to hold the hoop, and you can do it at any pace you prefer. Once you start, you might want to go a bit slow if you’re not used to it as you don’t want it to break anything around you. As you get the hang of it, speed up and take it to any level you prefer. Although the speed won’t help you lose more weight, it’ll just increase the intensity of the workout.

When deciding between a weighted and a conventional hoop, it’s better to opt for the former version. This will help you maintain a rhythm as you’ll get additional momentum. Beginners should have weighted hula hoops and then move to standard ones. It might seem like you’re going the opposite way, but you’ll thank us later.

Want workouts catered to you? Well, FitEngine is here for you! FitEngine brings you the finest in fitness and well-being, including exercise ideas and unbiased evaluations of fitness classes in New York City. We only provide high-quality, dependable information to meet your fitness goals.

Our staff of athletes, coaches, and authors are all fitness experts that work hard to offer you all the material you need to keep on track and inspired in pursuit of your specific fitness goals. We provide a list of fun and easy workouts that you can enjoy in your free time. From yoga classes, Pilates classes, dance workouts to fitness insanity workouts, we have guides and reviews for all of them. Get in touch with us to book a class and check out our products.

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